Disease Surveillance

A vital role of the Texas County Health Department is to identify, prevent, and control the spread of communicable (infectious) disease. With the assistance of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and local partners this role is carried out. Data is collected that indicate what diseases are present in the county. When a communicable disease is reported the health department does an investigation to identify the source of the infection, any contacts who might need preventative treatment or testing. Education is provided to those involved and, if indicated, to the community also.

Doctor looking into microscope

Notifiable Disease

In Missouri, a notifiable disease is one that health providers and laboratories are required by law to report to the local health agency. Notifiable diseases are of public interest and safety because of their contagiousness, severity, or frequency.

Notifiable diseases should be faxed to 417-967-0222.


Missouri Notifiable Conditions (http://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/communicabledisease/pdf/reportablediseaselist2.pdf)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (link www.cdc.gov/DiseasesConditions/

Surveillance Sites


Nurses collect disease data from a number of community partners, including:

  • Public schools 
  • Hospital 
  • Daycares 
  • Nursing Homes
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